Seismology TowArd Research innovation with data of Earthquake Project (STAR-E Project)「New developments in space-time earthquake forecasting and monitoring: from long-term to real-time」




★ Click on a name to link to each member's Researchmap.

<Research Leader>

<Sub-Theme Leaders>

  • Ogata, Yosihiko : Project Professor (Professor Emeritus), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Areas of expertise: Statistical Science, Satistical Seismology, Earthquake Prediction, Theme B Research Supervisor. [HP][googlescholar]
  • Yano, Keisuke : Associate Professor, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Areas of expertise: Mathematical Statistics, Seismic Waveform Analysis, Theme C Research Supervisor. [HP]
  • Wu, Stephen : Associate Professor, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Areas of expertise: Applied Statistics, Earthquake Engineering, Theme D. [HP] [googlescholar]
  • Yamada, Masumi : Associate Professor, Kyoto University Disaster Prevention Research Institute (ISM Visiting Associate Professor), Areas of expertise: Seismology, Seismic Engineering, Theme D Research Supervisor. [HP]
  • Iwata, Takaki : Associate Professor, Prefectural University of Hiroshima (ISM Visiting Associate Professor), Areas of expertise: Seismology, Statistical Science, Theme A.
  • Nanjo, Kazuyoshi : Project Professor, Shizuoka Prefectural University (ISM Visiting Associate Professor), Areas of expertise: Solid Earth Science, Statistical Seismology, Risk Symbiosis, Theme B.

<Research participants>

  • Kumazawa, Takao : Project Associate Professor, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Area of expertise: Statistical Seismology, Themes A and B.
  • Peng, Hong : Project Researcher, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Theme D.
  • Niu, Yuanyuan : Project Researcher, Institute of Statistical Mathematics.NEW!

<Research Collaborators>

  • Kato, Aitaro : Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo (ISM Visiting Professor), Areas of expertise: Solid Earth Science, Seismology, Themes A, B and C.
  • Murata, Yasuaki : Invited Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Institute (ISM Visiting Researcher), Areas of expertise: Geodesy, Geology, Theme A.
  • Nishikawa, Tomoaki : Assistant Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (ISM Visiting Researcher), Areas of expertise: Statistical Seismology, Slow Earthquake Seismology, Themes A and B.
  • Kumazawa, Takao : Project Associate Professor, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Area of expertise: Statistical Seismology, Themes A and B.
  • Petrillo, Giuseppe : Visiting Researcher, Earth Observatory of Singapore Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore)/ Researcher, Scuela Superiore Meridienale (SSM), Naples, Italy. Areas of expertise: Statistical Mechancs, Statistical Seismology, Geophysics, Disordered Systems, Granular matter, Themes A and B. [Researchgate] [googlescholar]
  • Mitsui, Yuta : Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Department of Geosciences, Shizuoka University (ISM Visiting Associate Professor), Themes A and B. [HP] (in Japanese)
  • Aso, Naofumi : Associate Professor (Lecturer), Tokyo University of Science (ISM Visiting Researcher), Area of expertise: Seismology, Themes A and B. [HP]
  • Ueda, Taku : Special Researcher (PD), JSPS @ Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (ISM Visiting Researcher), Themes A and B. [HP]
  • Nomura, Shunichi : Associate Professor, Waseda University School of Commerce, Graduate School of Accounting: Visiting Associate Professor (ISM Visiting Associate Professor), Area of expertise: Statistical Science, Theme B.
  • Kano, Masayuki : Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University (ISM Visiting Researcher), Area of expertise: Seismology, Theme C.
  • Tamaribuchi, Koji : Researcher, Earthquake and Tsunami Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Area of expertise: Seismology, Theme D.
  • Kodera, Yuki : Researcher, Earthquake and Tsunami Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Area of expertise: Seismology, Theme D.
  • Xiong, Ziyao : Project Assistant Professor, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Area of expertise: Geophysics, Themes A and B (-May 2023).
  • Guo, Yicun : Assistant Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Areas of expertise: Geophysics, Statistical seismology, Theme A
  • Hainzl, Sebstian : Senior Researcher, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Areas of expertise: Geophysics, Statistical seismology, Theme A
  • Matsu'ura, S Ritsuko : Senior Fellow, Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction, Areas of expertise: Statistical seismology, Japanese historical seismology, earthquake geology, Advisor (All Themes)

<Research Supporters>

  • Katsura, Koichi: Technical assistant, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Software developer.
  • Kutsuna, Akiko: Technical assistant, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Research support.
  • Hori, Terumi: Technical assistant, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Research support.